The Kerala Institutional Ranking Framework (KIRF) assesses the level of higher education institutions in the State against the following five agreed parameters:
- Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR)
- Knowledge Dissemination and Research Excellence (KDRE)
- Graduation Outcome (GO)
- Outreach and Inclusivity (OI)
- Scientific Temper and Secular Outlook (STSO)
The Kerala State Higher Education Council is the implementing agency for the ranking of institutions, conducted annually.

KIRF Parameters
Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR)
These parameters are related to teaching, the effectiveness of learning outcomes, and the availability and accessibility of resources.
Knowledge Dissemination and Research Excellence (KDRE)
These parameters consider impact of knowledge dissemination and the excellence of research.
Graduation Outcome (GO)
These parameters consider the reflection of institutions' ability to prepare and equip students after the courses.
Outreach and Inclusivity (OI)
These parameters measure the effectiveness in promoting outreach and inclusivity.
Scientific Temper and Secular Outlook (STSO)
These parameters emphasizes the promotion of scientific temper and a secular outlook and commitment of the institution to promote them.
Registered Institutions
KIRF Pending Submissions
KIRF Submissions
Data Accepted
Frequently Asked Questions
a. All higher education institutions in our State can register/sign in through KSHEC Portal and can upload the institutional data in the respective fields. HEIs should be registered in All Kerala Higher Education Survey (AKHES) to participate in KIRF.
b. Institutions under different categories such as overall, universities, colleges, engineering, management, teacher education, pharmacy, medical, dental, law, architecture and nursing can participate in the ranking process and can register separately, provide data in the specific format, if they desire to be included in the category specific ranking list.
c. Category specific ranks will be announced only in those categories where a significant number of institutions offer themselves for ranking. The final decision on ranking of a category will therefore be decided by KSHEC after analysing the data.
d. Rankings will be considered only for those institutions that have graduated at least three batches of students in full time UG or PG program, where the duration is not less than three years for the UG programmes and two years for the PG programmes.
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Eligibility for participation
Who can participate in KIRF?
Institutions that have graduated at least three batches of students in full time UG or PG programs, where the duration is not less than three years for the UG programs and two years for the PG programs are eligible to participate.